Friday, December 30, 2016

Interview with Zepp Sicling

The set featured in this video interview with Zepp is available on Second Life's Market Place. A percentage of all sales will be shared with Zepp because we value his time. Click here to find out more.


Zepp Sicling made his debut in the opening credits of Her Revenge Episode 10 (Season Finale) and I knew that I wanted to see more of him in the series.

By Episode 6 of Revenge Reborn we get a proper introduction as the sexy and mature news anchor for a morning television show.

As you can tell I like to interview the cast in very unique settings and what better place that on a little boat... after all if you check out his Flickr account he is a sailor after all.

Carly: I perved through the pages of your Flickr account and noticed that you used to have a full head of hair? So... what was it that made you lose your hair? Was it Porn?  
Zepp: Haha, Yes I did have hair. I was looking for a new skin, the label said "No user data will be lost during upgrade" - Now look at me!? User hair completely lost! And wrinkles added!

Carly: If you had one day left in Second Life what would you do with it?
Zepp: Maybe spend some time with a girl I love very much, my best friend Diana. Or a real hot porn shoot!

Carly: What is your most memorable video shoot?
Zepp: My first one was real hot.. I had a very sexy costar and the director was awesome. 

Carly: Have you ever role-played on set?
Zepp: I try to be professional but yes. If the chemistry is good anything can happen. Sometimes it is just meant to be playing involved, other times just the posing is perfect.

Carly:Whats the least enjoyable part of doing Second Life Porn for you?
Zepp: Nothing so far. I enjoy every minute!

Carly: What does Second Life Porn mean to you? Do you have any future ambitions?
Zepp: Doing porn is real fun and sexy. I take it as it comes and hopefully I did some more videos and acted with different people. Doing more work as a model for other photographers would be nice as well :) I have no intention doing my own videos but i probably will keep my Flickr going.  :)

Carly: What do you do when you are not being a Porn Stud?
Zepp: I do like to hang at some nice beach, preferably a nude one :) I must agree i enjoy both being naked and also perv others. I also like doing pics for my Flickr or modeling for someone else's. Sometimes I go to a club and shake my ass!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Interview with Brenn Bailey

This item is featured in this video interview with Brenn below. If you are interested in getting a copy then click here to see the "Sexy Washing Machine" on Second Life's Market Place. A percentage of all sales will be shared with Brenn because we value his time.


Brennaghan Bailey joined the cast in Season Two as Katina's brother. He is very fun to work with as this video above shows.

In Season Two of the Revenge Series S2E1, Brenn debuts as Kat's brother and then he appears as Sindee Bluthe's personal bodyguard in Season Two Episode S2E7.

I still remember when casting him that he had a strikingly clean cut look. Just take a look at his profile picture! So anyways.... back to the Brenn!

I invited Brenn around to help me with my laundry... as you will see we had a lot to talk about..,

Carly: How did you get into acting in SL Porn?
Brenn: To be perfectly honest, i had no intention to get into it. I had become friends with a few in the industry and would have so much fun hanging out together in various clubs. Some had mentioned that from time to time they needed extras. I always love to help friends so i let them know that whenever they needed any help, big or small, give me a call. That was my stepping stone to getting into the industry.
Carly's Afterthought: He was corrupted!

Carly: What was your most memorable moment? 
Brenn: I would have to say it was my first shoot.  I remember showing up and compared to the others in the scene i felt so inadequate. Part of me thought i may ruin it completely. But the director was Erin Cedarbridge, and she was great, reassured me and when i saw the final cut, i realized, hey this is something you can do.
Carly's Afterthought: I wonder if Erin had them standing in a line inspecting them?!

Carly: Let's be brutally honest.... what was your most favorite shoot and what was your worst? 
Brenn: Every single shoot i do with Carly Morrisey is amazing. Her shoots are so organized, she knows exactly what she is looking for and she makes things fun. As far as my worst experience, I really only remember one bad one. It was a shoot that was going pretty late and one of the co stars had said a few times that she had to log. After a while she stopped responding and she needed to switch pose became pretty clear she had fallen asleep on the job.
Carly Afterthought: Directors worry about your bedtimes too!

Carly: What makes a fun co-star?

Brenn: I am a bit of a goof ball and i definitely love to joke around and have a good time during a shoot so whenever i have a co star who is the same way I love it.
Carly's Afterthought: Clowny Nerd Girls... did you hear that girls?

Do you role-play on set?
Brenn: I enjoy it. I think it gets everyone in a good frame of mind...really feel the shoot?
Carly's Afterthought: He is very professional...

Carly: You have an uber clean look (not like a taxi driver) Have you ever wanted to dress up as a biker?

Brenn: I really love the variety of looks that are out there and I  personally am turned on by quite a few of them. I like my look now quite a lot and I think it fills a niche that perhaps is missing in the industry. I do hope that it appeals to some. I dunno, do people like nice clean cut guys any more?

Carly's Afterthought: I take the Filthy Fifth

Carly: Are there any scenes that you would refuse to do?
Brenn: I don't think so. ... up to this point I have never felt uncomfortable. Thats a bridge i will cross when I come to it.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Interview with Remy Gervasi

As part of The Revenge Series we are doing fun interviews with our lead cast members.

He looks amazing in a suit and without! But lets get to know him better.

Carly: How did you get into acting in Second Life Porn?

Remy: I was asked to do a video and I enjoyed it.

Carly: You enjoyed it? Oh come on I want the dirty details!

Remy: It was fun, between shoots we were all joking around and it made it a comfortable environment and the sex was HOT!

Carly: What was your most memorable moment?

Remy: In my first movie, I was sitting at a desk and oddly enough I was watching a porn on the computer.

Carly: So what kept your attention?

Remy: The woman in the next cubicle.

Carly: What makes a fun co-star?

Remy: I like a co-star that has a good sense of humor and input on what they think might make the movie better.

Carly: Like a Sexy Clown?

Remy: Hmm, possibly if we're talking Harley Quinn.

Carly: Do you role-play on set?

Remy: I have a little bit, but I can role-play a lot if that is what people want to get in more of a seductive mood for the shoot.

Carly: You have an almost vampire look whats that about?

Remy: I don't know about a vampire look, it's masculine and a little bit on the elusive side.

Carly: Okay... although I was searching for fangs when you first cast.... but wait... we missed a big thing... the love hate tattoos.. tell us about them!

Remy: Well I once rp'd a vampire, but things got dull. I am a man of two minds..sometimes feeling loving and sometimes feeling very hateful. It was my favorite hand tattoo's I have ever seen and even tempted to get in real life.

Carly: If you had one more day in left in SL what would you want to star in?

Remy:  Whatever Carly's mind can create.

The only reason he was so sweet was because I decided to dress up as Harley Quinn....

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Director's Notes: S2E7


Sindee: Sindee Bluthe
Brennaghan Bailey: Ms Bluthe's Loyal Bodyguard

Episode Development:

***Please note that the following contains spoilers*** 

The opening scene after the title credits is an advert for Vali'O. This sets the new norm. The general public are horny but need at least two hours to not get completely lost.

Its a total SL parallel in my mind but I wanted to take it further with the first official "naming" of a character. Sindee Bluthe.... yes very arrested development.

Brenn was perfect'O as her newly appointed bodyguard. For me this is where Sindee's character blossoms. She's bite-able as her narration dares the audience to hate her or love her at the same time.

Brenn was an amazing bodyguard but we all know that the spotlight is shining hot on Sindee's character now.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Director's Notes: S2E6


Brea Brianna: Co-Anchor using her Bento
Zepp: Co-Anchor

Carly Morrisey (Me): Patient Zero

Episode Development:

***Please note that the following contains spoilers*** 

Every Episode is so much fun to do but this one came together magically!

So Brea is a big name in the SL Porn scene. But that is not why she was so amazing. We talked a lot about morning TV host looks. She also was trying out her facial and finger expressions with the Bento system. We joked that it would be the first Bento porn scene in SL. All I will say that she is a true professional!

And then there was Zepp who has a very sexy and unique look.

There are some times when story has to hush for onscreen chemistry. This was one. It was a very erotic shoot. But at the same time... we all were working to the story.

What came out of it was a sexy little morning show fantasy with the ticker tape moving the story on a little bit... but showing that the Virus was now global. knowing that "breaking news" would help with this it was a trick to keep it "in the room".

Director's Notes: S2E5



Sofia LaFontaine: The Lab Assistant (Co-director)
Sindee: The Head Doctor of the "Institute" and Dream Brat (Co-director)
Remy Gervasi: The Doctor and the Dreamboat Store Clerk
Carly Morrisey (Me): Patient Zero

Episode Development:

***Please note that the following contains spoilers*** 

This Episode is all about contrasts and it takes a break from the narrative. If you spread a Virus there really isn't much conversation... so the first scene is Sofia spreading the Virus among a group of Frisky Bikers. Its gritty... its hardcore and its Messy. 

The blues tones turn to pinker tones visually as Sindee's dream sequence begins. Public domain Death Valley Girls plays as the soundtrack.

This is a different type of sequence without any kind of narration. We see Remy as the store clerk and Sindee as essentially a Brat sitting in her shopping cart with the 'dolls' or rather the patient that she is playing with. 

So on one branch of the tree we see that Sofia's character is spreading this Virus while we see Sindee's more selfish and wicked side coming out.

Director's Notes: S2E4


Katina Cazalet: Blonde with an Attitude
Monique Lefry: The Former Cellmate

Sindee: The Head Doctor of the "Institute"
Sofia LaFontaine: The Lab Assistant
Carly Morrisey (Me): Patient Zero

Episode Development: 

***Please note that the following contains spoilers***

If you look back at Season One Episode Six, you will know that Monique and Katina's characters experienced something behind bars and yet we don't know until now. But what we do know, it is enough for Monique to call on Katina when she gets out of jail.

But at the same time we are showing the spread of this sexual telepathic phenomenon and sometimes small deceptions come into play. Monique hadn't just got out of jail as she suggested. She had been with the Lab Assistant before she made her way to Katina's home.

So what we have is Monique and Katina reunited but with the difference that she is about to infect Katina with this sexual telepathic virus. What is more pained is that Katina suspects this when she is with Monique. We as the audience see this in the next sequence where Sofia's Lab Assistant seduces Monique making her one with the Virus.

"We are coming for you now" shows that collective consciousness that stems back from my character. We are out for Katina in short! A similar message is finally revealed from Brenn to Katina after being with Sofia.

But just as it gets messy and convoluted... Sindee takes a leave of absence. Again... her character has been gradually emerging and so now she has a "cure" and it seems like anybody is vulnerable to the Virus.

Director's Notes: S2E3


Sindee: The Head Doctor of the "Institute"
Remy Gervasi: The Doctor
Carly Morrisey (Me): Patient Zero

Episode Development: 

***Please note that the following contains spoilers***

The new star of this episode is the music. Its a very retro medical/sci-fi theme that was perfect for what I was going for.

The opening credits were my eyes staring up into the camera. It was a hint that this episode was going to focus on what my Patient Zero was up to.

Using the same "testimonies" of hospital workers this time we have Remy recounting his experience with Patient Zero. I wanted Remy to be dressed as if he considered his job to be important. Less of the Bombchicawow Doctor. He pulled this off effortlessly.

So after conducting his routine check up on me things become surreal. Which is exactly what is needed to really communicate the sexual mind control of my character. I thought long and hard about how to do this. In the end I decided that prim words (added over using green screen) was the best effect. So my character's eyes are staring at the audience as the words zoom in and out showing what poor Remy had to go through with me.

Then we cut to very quick edits and transitions of Remy taking my character in every position. One of the things that I enjoyed with this style is to have my character look into the character to bring it home. I tried this in Season One Episode Two with Malone.

After the words "I'll Call On You" appear over my sedated or satiated body on the hospital bed... it starts a reoccurring message and hints to what my character told Brenn in Episode Two of this season.

The real twist comes from what Sindee's character does in her interview with Remy. Its almost like an oral interrogation. Remy being so facially expressive it was perfectly captured. Meanwhile the sinister side of Sindee's character begins to add up.

And then the final scene is my character in the "Safety Room" tied up but serenely sedated.

Director's Notes: S2E2


Sindee: The Head Doctor of the "Institute"
Sofia LaFontaine: The Lab Assistant
Rachel Avro: Opening Credits Wicked Nurse
Carly Morrisey (Me): Patient Zero

Episode Development: 

***Please note that the following contains spoilers***

This is certainly more of an exploration of the characters and a backstory of mine.

The music picked was cold clinical public domain music with a little suspense. We find that Sindee's character is exploring 'therapies' such as "Erotic Stimulation Therapy". This worked very well for the solo scenes of my character being "treated" in a medical setting.

Next comes the "Testimonies" of the witnesses to my characters "telepathic" lures.

This opens into the main sex scene with Sofia, as my Lab Assistant. The music turns into a chiller as mind control takes over Sofia's character. Rachel Avro opening credits suggests that my character is being subjected to all kinds of erotic experimentation.

The clinical white room and hospital office were very essential to this mood. The hospital logs that Sindee was typing is now the narration in this episode. Sofia's "testimony" of what happens with my character is showing the audience that something sinister was going on at both ends.

The final shot is Sindee taking notes over my character's sedated body. It's a sense of control but hints to something more. Since the first episode I have talked with Sindee about how her character opens out fully after a lot of teasing.  So this is the risk I took with Sindee's character. By Season Four you can see how well that her introduction paid off.

Director's Notes: S2E1



Katina Cazalet: Blonde with an Attitude
Sofia LaFontaine: Lab Assistant
Brennaghan Bailey: Brother of the Blonde with an Attitude
Carly Morrisey (Me): (The Wife)

Episode Development: 

***Please note that the following contains spoilers***

The gunshot is the first thing that you as the audience hear. With the plot moving so fast... I wanted a little  confusion as to the what's, why's and how's...

After a "one year later..." to explain... we find ourselves in Katina's apartment.

The teddy bear should be a star because the mood he makes contrasts with the past murder. Then we have Kat's character on the phone. She looks like she was with somebody but is on the phone to her brother (Brenn's character). It was a quick introduction but bearing in mind that he is with the Sofia's Lab Assistant it all ties in.

"Brenn answer the fucking phone" was a significant moment in the series. Its the introduction of names. We've met Katina from season one.. as the Blondie with an Attitude.. but a name is far more personal and we learn them gradually.

What we see is that Kat's character is protective over Brenn. She depends on him. But Brenn is with  Sofia's Lab Assistant Character.

Introducing Her Revenge Season Two

Season Two of Her Revenge also known as Revenge Reborn escalates from the cerebral tones of the first season to something unpredictable.

What I wanted to achieve here is transforming a short circle of characters into a truly global phenomenon with the story.

From my directorial eye, I want to make the big dramatic splash before we get deep and dirty into each character in Season Three. In keeping with the theme of revenge, I want to pull you off the cliff-side with me with stranger than reality story-lines

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Director's Notes: S1E10


Malone MayDay: The Ex-boyfriend a/k/a the Club-owner
Katina Cazalet: Blonde with an Attitude
Charles Claynan: The Dirty Cop
Racheal Rexen: (The Wife's Friend)
Jezzi Mornington: (The Wife)
XXSindeeXX: (Blonde in Threesome at Party with Ex-Boyfriend)
Larah Sa'fir: (Red head in Threesome at Party with Ex-Boyfriend)
Sofia LaFontaine: (Opening Credits Guest)
Zepp Sicling: (Opening Credits Guest)

Episode Development: 

***Please note that the following contains spoilers***

The season finale of Her Revenge was my most ambitious production when it came to bringing the cast together with new additions. The original Wife (Jezzi) from Episode One features in texting dialog with mine. We shot three sex scenes for this episode knowing that it would need to be edited down to around three minutes.

The opening credits was Sofia and Zepp giving the illusion of an art party turned sex party. Next we have an elevator sex scene with myself (playing a random blonde) and Charles. The main sex scene was Malone, Larah and Sindee appearing as guests that entangle in a spontaneous threesome.

All the while there is a text dialog going on between my character and the Wife while she waits with her friend played by Racheal Rexen. Katina, dressed perfectly for her role, is standing by herself anguished. However being the hostess for this party my dialog continues until its abruptly ended by the gunshot as Katina shoots me.

This was a very challenging episode to shoot and so every way I could - I tried to make it seem like a simple room in second life was actually an art show with guests. The music was picked for the typical art gallery scene and the opening credits were shot as if Zepp and Sofia were actual guests in the room.

Click here to read the entire illustrated Season One book in-world. Get your copy from Second Life Market Place. Eighty percent of all royalties are shared with the cast.

Director's Notes: S1E9


Cameron Ravenmanskwer: The Husband (Ten years ago)
Kayla Whittaker-Maxim: The Wife (Ten years ago)
Carly Morrisey (Me): That Trouble Making Redhead

Episode Development:

***Please note that the following contains spoilers*** 

This episode a perfect chance to focus the revenge back to the Wife from Episode One. It was hard to cast because there had to be some resemblance between Jezzi Mornington (the original wife) and Kayla. Cameron made a perfect young husband to Bane's more mature look, yet because there was no narration it wouldn't be totally obvious. That is where a dream sequence after their wedding night sex scene was important. My character is swinging above them on their wedding cake almost looking in on their marriage.

The surreal pinks and oversized cake was enough of a hint that I was involved with the married couple somehow. It was a very important choice to have the images and music as the narration for this episode.

Musically, I picked something that had a lilt, sexy and electronic atmosphere. The repetition of the word "I" by the vocalist was just another way of subtly hinting that my character was selfish and of course setting her up for the season finale.

Click here to read the entire illustrated Season One book in-world. Get your copy from Second Life Market Place. Eighty percent of all royalties are shared with the cast.

Director's Notes: S1E8


Tegan Malone: The Surprise Date
Malone MayDay: The Ex-boyfriend a/k/a the Club-owner
Carly Morrisey (Me): That Trouble Making Redhead

Episode Development:

***Please note that the following contains spoilers*** 

So my character now focuses her revenge on the Ex-Boyfriend (of hers and Katina's Blonde with an Attitude). From as early as Episode One and the Grudge Fuck, we know that they are at odds for some reason.

The music is softer and sentimental and I wanted that to be for the entire episode so when the twist occurs it feels a little more ironic. At first the short scenes of my character texting Malone about his surprise date have my character in black and white as to play on the line, "I know that I'm your past".

As my character brings his mystery date up to Malone's hotel room (both of them blindfolded). They begin to have sex. In some shots you will see my character watching at the back of the room. Almost intent that it does happen.

After the sex scene we return to the revenge sequence of my Trouble Making Redhead character texting her Ex-Boyfriend as he discovers that he has slept with his "own flesh and blood". Like with the last episode, we have their picture on the wall of the gallery as my character's "art collection" grows.

Click here to read the entire illustrated Season One book in-world. Get your copy from Second Life Market Place. Eighty percent of all royalties are shared with the cast.

Director's Notes: S1E7


Katina Cazalet: Blonde with an Attitude
Grunter Little: Co-worker pacing behind Katina
Remy Gervasi: Co-worker watching porn at his desk
Carly Morrisey (Me): That Trouble Making Redhead

Episode Development:

***Please note that the following contains spoilers*** 

In this episode many things change. We fast forward back to present time (almost). The phone narration from the Wife literally gets 'hung up on'.

This is the point where my character decides that she wants Her Revenge after liberating herself from her binds. Sitting on the couch plotting is where she begins. Wearing the black dress with the skull motif is where the audience gets a hint that she wants do to turn her revenge into an art form.

I decided to have dialog as text messages because that is how the series started... with the phone being the narration device. The music I picked was electronic but atmospheric enough to show the tension build.

We flash two years later to Kat's character working in an office. She wants to be a good employee. She wants to get back from her past. The sex scene ensues with Kat being sandwiched between Remy and Grunter. There is no dialog or narration because I wanted to show how in the moment it was in the office. We then cut to me in an elevator with Remy and Grunter suggesting that I had been plotting against Katina for the past two years to get her in a compromising position with her co-workers.

The text dialog returns and we see that my character is planning an art-show featuring the office sex scene. The music turns very dramatic. Standing in my black dress with Grunter and Remy in their suits was that crescendo of the bitch exacting a power move on Katina.

As a new motif, I went for photographs of the revenge that my character was exacting above her on the wall of her gallery.

Click here to read the entire illustrated Season One book in-world. Get your copy from Second Life Market Place. Eighty percent of all royalties are shared with the cast.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Director's Notes: S1E6


Katina Cazalet: Blonde with an Attitude
Charles (formerly Karl) Claynan: The Dirty Cop
Monique Lefry: The Cell Mate
Carly Morrisey (Me): That Trouble Making Redhead

Episode Development:

***Please note that the following contains spoilers***

So from last episode we now why Katina's character despises mine. But she also attacked me so I have a motivation or two (Malone) to get her out of the picture. Again my character's ulterior motives are quickly shown by the dirty exchange in the back room of a bar with Charles (formerly Karl) Claynan. All the while, the narration is coming from the Wife from the first episode and has been all season so far.

The result is the Charles' Dirty Cop gets Katina's character behind bars, which then leads to a lesbian sex scene with her new cell mate Monique Lefry. Monique as the Cell Mate has a bad girl/sinister look to her and Katina's character further gets exploited due to the chain of events. This obviously fuels the fire of revenge aimed at my character. What I enjoyed showing is that Katina originally wasn't a 'bad girl' but she changed into one when she moved to the wrong side of town. When she is behind bars with Monique we see that she is more of the victim.

The music picked for this has a constant siren sound playing through-out it making it feel a little action-y but at the same time full of plotting.

Click here to read the entire illustrated Season One book in-world. Get your copy from Second Life Market Place. Eighty percent of all royalties are shared with the cast.

Director's Notes: S1E5


Katina Cazalet: The Blonde with an Attitude
Malone Mayday: The Boyfriend of The Blonde and Club-owner
Carly Morrisey (Me): The Bratty Newcomer a/k/a Miss Confrontational

Episode Development:

***Please note that the following contains spoilers*** 

The episode opens with the usual tied to the chair narration which at this point in the season is main way that we are able to go down memory lane with my character. After that we see the Bratty Newcomer apparently waiting for the Club owner's girlfriend (Katina) to leave their apartment.

The sex scene with Malone and my character is sensual, fluid and yet sneaky on my part. Its totally selfish of my character although there are a couple of hints that Katina is watching through the window.

The scene breaks into a vicious confrontation between Katina's and my character. The music changes and shows the audience that Katina is in control in the moment. As my character is left trembling on the floor its a little over the top. This is where I do another flashback with a different pace. My character is living at home with her parents during college. I see something that I shouldn't (Katina's character with my father in the bedroom). I react angrily and Katina leading to the scene of how she arrived in the seedy part of town.

Now very often I am able to tell a story without just the narration doing it for me. I had planned a scene with Kat and my character's father but just due to constraints of timing and storytelling I chose to use narration.

The ideal scene in my head was the super successful real estate agent Katina being shown the house by my character's father. They start to flirt with each other in little nooks as Katina is shown the house. All the while I'm lost reading with my headphones on. However when they get carried away and end up in bed... I come looking for my "Dad". When I catch them I react! Katina loses her job when I tell my mother what I had witnessed.

But who knows? This scene might pop up elsewhere in the series! Coughs... Season Four!

Click here to read the entire illustrated Season One book in-world. Get your copy from Second Life Market Place. Eighty percent of all royalties are shared with the cast.

Director's Notes: S1E4


Malone MayDay: The Ex-boyfriend a/k/a the Club-owner
Katina Cazalet: Blonde with an Attitude
Carly Morrisey (Me): That Trouble Making Redhead

Episode Development:

***Please note that the following contains spoilers*** 

After the opening sequence that reminds the audience that the Maid is still tied up and gagged by the Wife we cut to the backstory again. The scene opens with the aftermath of a drunken messy threesome. At this point the narration of the Wife is almost taunting the Maid as she relives her drunken night.

We see the angry drunken redhead strutting into the club that is owned by Malone's (Bad boy Club owner) character and Katina (his Blonde Vixen Girlfriend) and interrupting them having sex.

This is where I wanted to show Kat's character have an instant dislike to mine. The snarling in each others faces while Malone tries to break us up is a not so subtle hint. So when they (or more so Malone) "offer to walk my character back to her home"... what ensues is a threesome with an edge to it.

Kat's heel in the back of my character as I perform a humiliating drunken blowjob also shows that the fall from grace of my character is coming.

The music (always public domain) that I picked were two pieces. The first a very strange old time-y recording about "a pretty little rabbit" and "three trees" alluding to the drunken threesome that leads to the three characters sleeping on the floor of  my character's unpacked apartment.

In short... it was a dreamy, drunken night to forget for my character. One that made Malone's character more curious about mine. And the start of a rivalry between Katina and me.

Click here to read the entire illustrated Season One book in-world. Get your copy from Second Life Market Place. Eighty percent of all royalties are shared with the cast.

Director's Notes: S1E3


Grunter Little: The Customer
Seddy Constantine : The Stripper
Carly Morrisey (Me): The Annoyed Irritated New-comer to the neighborhood

Episode Development:

***Please note that the following contains spoilers*** 

So now I had my chance to take the Maid's character down memory lane. This was one way I could also establish her character outside of just a simple maid's costume.

Using "One Year Earlier...." I was able to show the Maid's backstory before she met the Husband. Just like with the theme of revenge and being a slutty housemaid, there is always some motivation to why and how.

So a disgusted, almost snotty, new-comer to a sleazy neighborhood was where I started off. Having her look around at this sleazy neighborhood (RLV Spirit Love) seeing all the debauched things going on. This leads to the main sex scene with Seddy and Grunter. They are locals just enjoying each other. The filming of this scene was fluid and very sexual. The telephone box was a perfect location. But the New-Comer living across the street is simply disgusted. But she still watches it all with a curiosity.

The music that I picked for this episode was very significant. It speaks of the New-Comer sort of complaining about her situation living on the wrong side of town. So when she has too many glasses of wine and gets dressed for a confrontation. We see that she has a temper as she walks over to the club to confront the owners.

Click here to read the entire illustrated Season One book in-world. Get your copy from Second Life Market Place. Eighty percent of all royalties are shared with the cast.

Director's Notes: S1E2


Malone MayDay: The Ex-boyfriend a/k/a the Club-owner
Bane W. Caedus: The Husband
Carly Morrisey (Me): The Maid

Episode Development:

***Please note that the following contains spoilers*** 

After getting such a warm response from the SL Porn community, I certainly was excited to continue. This story has been an evolving image in my mind and I continue to learn as I do them. I've met amazing friends like Katina Cazalet who loves a good film and always challenges me.

Episode Two continues with the Wife's narration (Jezzi) of how their Maid met her Husband (Bane). It was at this point that I needed to unlock the door for the Maid's backstory. So dancing for the Husband in a club and complaining about her Boyfriend (Soon to be Malone MayDay) did just that.

The proposition in the car by Bane's character was something where I wish I could show a little shock or surprise with their future Maid. The real trick was trying to keep the Jezzi's character as the Wife as the main narrator for the time being.

I picked the music to break up the scene. Something brash and 'stand to attention' to show that it was a new beginning for the new Maid. But, because the Wife's narration is so important I wanted to show how planned her revenge was on the Maid by finding her ex-boyfriend, leading to that Grudge Fuck sex scene.

My happiest editing pick is where the Maid almost turns to the character in a way to say... how much more I can take?

 Click here to read the entire illustrated Season One book in-world. Get your copy from Second Life Market Place. Eighty percent of all royalties are shared with the cast.

Director's Notes: S1E1


Jezzi Mornington: The Wife
Bane W. Caedus: The Husband
Carly Morrisey (Me): The Maid

Episode Development:

***Please note that the following contains spoilers*** 

First of all I would like to thank my good friend Jezzi Mornington whom introduced me to some amazing hearts, souls and minds in the SL Porn and Film community (like Katina Cazalet and everybody at Dogstar Productions). If it wasn't for her I wouldn't have even attempted to film.

Filming is similar to photography because you are piecing together a story through images and sound. Jezzi once told me that it takes her hours to put together a scene and that is something that I admire in the craft.

Well its been done a million times in fantasy-land. Married man sleeps with the maid, but I wanted to show something more in this story. I wanted to show the Maid's consequences. Tied up in the chair and gagged by somebody and ready for punishment. Next I wanted to show how the Wife suspected but didn't know for sure.

The mini twist is that the Wife finds it strangely erotic when she is being told. It makes you wonder if the Maid enjoyed humiliating her too.

I started with nameless roles because I want the audience to feel like they are walking into a situation where they will gradually get to know everybody. So the episode opened with "The Maid" gagged and tied up with a cellphone between her legs. The story dialogue was coming from the cell phone. "The Wife" was narrating this little story for the moment.

Jezzi being a photographer is a sort of voyeur. So she was perfect in the scene as the wife that wanted to know more. We went through wardrobe to find that perfect look for her. Sadly, the color of her dress is lost because of the black and white editing. Bane has a very rugged look. A very professional actor too.

What I love about the song used for the soundtrack is that it is random and atmospheric. Its a very intense piece that lends itself to mystery.

Click here to read the entire illustrated Season One book in-world. Get your copy from Second Life Market Place. Eighty percent of all royalties are shared with the cast.

Introducing Her Revenge Season One

Revenge is human
Revenge is messy
Revenge isn't good
Revenge spreads
Revenge is never fair

Yet... we all have touched it in some way or another.

This season will play with some of the themes of deserving revenge and dishing it out. Is there a monopoly on it?

Episode One
Episode Two
Episode Three
Episode Four
Episode Five
Episode Six
Episode Seven
Episode Eight
Episode Nine
Episode Ten